
The SSC provides a number of training courses or workshops annually (primarily through the Geological Society of South Africa and the Southern African Institute for Mining and Metallurgy) that cater specifically to the needs of CP/CV/QRE’s. The majority of these courses/workshops are directed at technical (geoscientific/engineering) professions who compile Public Reports (including Competent Person’s Reports, Valuation Reports and Qualified Reserve Evaluator’s Reports). However, some of the courses may be of specific interest to non-technical professionals who compile valuation reports, fair and reasonable opinions, etc.

The SSC recommends that practicing CP/CV/QRE’s should attend at least one of these courses in a five-year cycle.

In conjunction with courses run by the GSSA and SAIMM, the SSC highlights the following courses/workshops/webinars for 2023 which are planned or being considered:

15 & 22 March 2023 Introduction to SAMCODES Workshop Dr T Marshall GSSA Hybrid
30-May-23 Geoscience Communications Dr T Marshall GSSA Hybrid
11-Jul-23 ESG Follow-up Session A McDonald GSSA Online
TBC SAMCODES for Young Professionals Prof S Rupprecht SAIMM Hybrid
TBC SAMOG Event on updated Code P Dekker SAIMM/GSSA Online
TBC 2 Second Half 2023 Follow-up on S-K 1300 and S-K 1300 Forum site S Siwela and A McDonald SAIMM/GSSA Online
TBC Standards for presentation of maps and diagrams in public reports To be determined SAIMM/GSSA Online
TBC Advanced SAMREC & SAMVAL Workshop (depending on demand) K Lomberg / T Marshall SAIMM/GSSA Hybrid



  • If you, or your organisation, is looking for in-house training, university, introductory, advanced or special-interest group courses on the SAMCODES, please contact the SSC or the Chairperson of the relevant Code Committee and we will be pleased to assist you.

  • If you, or your organisation, is planning on presenting a SAMCODE-related course, please contact the SSC with details so that we can build up a catalogue of available resources.

  • youtube Click to view a FREE introductory short course (2.5hrs) on the SAMCODES presented by Prof. Steven Rupprecht...

    The object of the Lecture is to supply the participants with the basics of the SAMREC and SAMVAL Codes. The purpose of the 2.5-hour lecture is to supply young professionals with the opportunity to broaden their mining knowledge of general mining issues.

    The lecture intends to provide the professional with a better understanding and appreciation of the South African reporting codes. Sufficient detail will also enable the mining engineer to benefit from this lecture as real issues are raised during the course. The lecture will be broken into four - 30-minute sessions structured to comprise of a basic introduction of the Codes and key definitions and principles.

    The second and third sessions will introduce the SAMREC and SAMVAL Codes and their application in Public Reporting. The final session will provide a number of case studies thereby enabling participants to fully benefit from the sessions.

  • youtubeAs of December 2021, the GSSA has put the 2020 recordings of the 4-day Introduction to the SAMCODES and JSE Listing Requirements course on open access. Please click to access these recordings...