SAMCODE related presentations have been made at the following GSSA/SAIMM events:
- SAIMM Diamonds: Source-to-Use workshop (Johannesburg, 11 June 2018)
- SAIMM Copper Cobalt Africa Conference (Livingston, Zambia, 9 July 2018)
- Minex Central Asia Forum (Astana, Kazakhstan, 18 April 2018)
- GSSA Geoskills conference (March 2018)
- SAIMM International Platinum Conference (18-20 October 2017) SAMREC (PDF 3MB) / SAMVAL (PDF 1.4MB)
- UNFC workshop on the harmonisation of UNFC principles and the framework for the development of an African Minerals Resource Classification System (2-6 October 2017).
- SAMCODES for non-technical professionals (6-7 September 2017)
- SAIMM: Advanced CP/CV Workshop – can you face your peers? (15-16 August 2017)
- SAIMM Young Professionals Conference (PDF 1.3MB) (March, 2017)
- GSSA Target Generation Day (PDF 2.7MB) (Nov 2016)
- CP/CV Companion Volume Conference (May 2016)
- Introduction to SAMCODES/SAMESG (PDF) (July 2020)
NOTE: SAMCODE workshop notes/presentation are not included here as they are only provided to course participants upon registration.